Thursday, July 5, 2012

Running in Boring Oregon

I hope everyone had a fun fourth and still have all your fingers attached!  But most importantly your legs!  You can run without fingers, but not so much without legs!  We had a pretty low key 4th, my mom came over and we grilled with the neighbors and had a few cocktail and cake and cookies, basically I'm not weighing myself for a WEEK!  But I am back on track today and the first thing I thought when I woke up was, "GET OUT AND RUN"!  It was a beautiful, warm day!  Summer arrived as expected, July 5th!  Actually the weather was really nice for the 4th, but it's just gonna get warmer throughout the week!

I had been wanting to try out a trail I drive by on may way to and from work in Boring Oregon, nope that's not a joke, the town is called Boring!  It's a small little town, not much to it, maybe that's why its called Boring?!

It's about a 10 minute drive from my house to Boring.  So I loaded up Maverick and we headed off!  

The trail was the Cazedero State Trail, it was 3 miles and it was all gravel.  Running on the gravel wasn't bad, it was pretty compacted.  It also ran along a creek and was very wooded.  

It was straight and flat, which was nice.  About a mile into the run it became less shade and more sun, and it was hot!  It was about 72 degrees when we started.  I felt fine, but worried about Mav a little.  I let him off leash and usually he likes to run a bit ahead to check out smells and explore a little, and he did that, but for the most part stayed right next to my side. So I knew he was hot.  I decided to turn around at 2.5 miles, so we didn't quite make it to the end, but I was ok with just getting 5 miles in.

About 4 miles in I saw a trail that went off the main path and figured it lead to the creek, so I thought it would be nice to take a break and let Mav cool off in the water and get a drink.

He was a happy boy so I felt better!  We finished the last mile and then headed to my mom's for a little visit, she's only about 10 minuets away from Boring as well.  

I felt good on the run, but feel like 5 miles is no where near burning off all the crap I ate last night!  I also have been thinking about changing up my routine a little bit.  I have lost all the weight I wanted to lose, and while running helps me maintain along with many other health benefits, I still have some areas I'l like to improve on.  I know I'm "skinny" and I feel good in clothes, but I'm not "swim suit" ready, and although summer is already here, it's never too late to make some changes and improve!  I've been inspired by a friend, who has been on her Journey from skinny fat to fit!  I always thought she was skinny, but like myself, under the clothes told a different story.  She has become a Beachbody Coach and he results over the last 60 days have been AMAZING!  Watching her transformation makes me wish I had started 60 days ago!  I have been talking with her a bit and am trying to decide if the program will work for me.  I know it will, just figuring out the cost really.  So I've taken some before pictures and measurements, and although I'm not ready to share them yet, I'm hoping in 60 days I'll be rocking a hot bod and will be glad to share my results!  

I'll keep you posted on what I decide to do!  Running will always be my #1, but I am looking forward to incorporating some new workouts into my routine! 

Have you ever tried Beachbody or know someone who has?

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh!! Thank you Katie!! I love reading your running blog, seeing my blog name was so touching!! Thank you! My journey has been amazing so far, my energy level has been awesome, and I finally feel like I can wear a bathing suit and feel comfortable in my skin. You get what you work for, and I feel like I've worked for this the past 60 days, and have 30 more days until the end of my 90 days. The workouts have been fun, which is good, never really boring because I'm focusing so much on keeping those abs and muscles that I'm working tight. I can't wait to get done with my 90 days, and start over again!!
