Friday, July 13, 2012

Itching to Run

Happy Friday!  It's the weekend!  And my weekend has officially started!!!  I usually work tonight, but took it off so I could be 100% for the Mountain Madness Run tomorrow morning to kick off the Sandy Mointain Festival.  I'm really looking forward to this run.  Dani is running the 10K with me and Jenni is running the 5K.  Dani and I were originally signed up for the 5K because she wanted to set a PR, but has been off her running schedule and group runs for a couple weeks, and since I'll be missing my long group run, we decided it would be better to run longer rather than faster.  The run is in Sandy, so Dani is going to meet me at my house early in the morning and we are planning on running to the race start, a little over 2 miles, then run the 10K and then run back to my house after, depending on how we feel, we may take a longer way home just to get as many miles in as possible!

I started my week off strong, and now I feel it had kind of fizzled out.  A work friend asked if I wanted to run with her Wednesday after work.  She's not a runner, but wants to pick it up, so I agreed.  I hadn't planned on running that day so figured a short/slow walk/run would be perfect.  We pushed through 3.1 miles and I hope she wasn't scared away!  New runners usually say they "can't run" due to some ache and pains; it hurts their shins, knees, feet, what they don't realize is that's totally common for a new runner!  And after time those aches will go away as your muscles and body adapt to the new routine.  But sometimes you can't tell people that because they are convinced it's a real issue for them.  I just hope most will keep it up and notice the changes.

So besides that 3.1miles on Wednesday I haven't gotten a run in since!  And It's been nagging at me!  Thursday I had to get up early to run some errands so I didn't run after work and that evening was the Sandy parade in town so I was planning on going to that with Mav and the neighbors.

Mav and I at the parade!  He loved the alpacas and horses!

So although I didn't run, we did walk quite a bit that day, well maybe only 2 miles or so, but it was some activity!  And Friday I skipped my morning run to get some breakfast with coworkers.  But managed to get in another evening walk with Mav, so although I haven't been running as much as I'd like, I feel good that I'm not just sitting dormant.  

And I'm excited to report ChaLEAN Extreme should arrive tomorrow and I plan on starting it Monday!!  Dani has also decided to do ChaLEAN and was able to squeeze into Amanda's group so she can be apart of the support team!!  I'm really looking forward to where this will take me.  I've already come so far, but still have some work to do.  Looking at my before pictures I took today was a little disappointing, and not because I thought I looked "fat"  I am looking to tone up, not loose weight.  I have scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and although it's not noticeable unless I point it out usually, when the clothes are off it becomes a lot more noticeable.  My right shoulder drops down and my body basically looks like an S, and I've never really been bothered by it, but I'm really uncomfortable with it when looking at the pictures.  So I'm not sure when or if I'll share my progress pictures.  I feel good and comfortable in clothes, but it's a different story when they are off and I just focus on the negative.  I know everyone has flaws, and most won't judge me or maybe even notice.  But, as with most, I'm my own worst critic!

Ok, off to carbo-load for my race in the am!!!  Have a great weekend and keep running!

How do you overcome your own "flaws"?
I need to learn to just not care and embrace what I can't change!


  1. I didn't even notice! You're right, we are our worst critics. Becca in our group has scoliosis as well as Fibromyalgia, I'm sure she'll share her story soon, just wanted you to know that you're not alone!!

  2. And PS, thank you for being brave, I think that was the first step to embrace what you can't change.

    1. Thanks Amanda! This will be a good experience and it's forcing me to break out of my comfort zone a bit, which is good. Gotta love what I was given and not dwell on what I can't fix!
