Sunday, July 29, 2012

Putting my first 20 miles behind me!

Well it's official!  I have ran my first 20miler!!  And it was no cakewalk!  We met at a new location, Fit Right NW in Tanasbourn.  Which is about a little over an hour from where I live.  Not a fan of the new location so much, and the group will start meeting there once a month.  But I cannot afford to miss many more runs, so I gotta go when I can make it!!  So far there are only 2 runs I won't be able to make until the marathon as of now... but things can always change.

Our run consisted of 2 out and backs.  The first was just under 10 miles and took us to the Nike Campus.

 We ran around that, which was a really nice trail, and then traced our steps back to Fit Right NW.  Keeping a slow, 11:45 pace made the first out and back fairly comfortable and easy.  We headed off on our second stretch and I was still feeling good until about mile 12, then I realized I still had 8 miles to go and I was starting to feel it.  Wasn't sure how I would get through the next 8 with a positive mind set.

Each mile started to drag on and I just wanted to sprint to get it over with!   But I know that defeats the purpose of training runs, and I wouldn't have made it very far at that speed!  We stopped at about mile 15 for a bathroom break and I took the time to stretch out my sore and tired muscles.

We continued on and at mile 17 I realized, only 3 miles left!!  I got this!!  My spirits lifted and I tried to let go of the negativity running through my head.  Then we got to mile 18 and i swear it took 20 minutes to run that last mile!  2 more to go, I can do this right?  Our pace leader only did the 18, so she left us and another runner took over the task of pace leader.  We were cruising along and I was thinking we should be turning around any minute to run a mile back, but when I asked where we were, we had only gone 1/2 mile!  Oh the torture!  We even ran by a beautiful pond with multiple fountains and I couldn't even enjoy it I was so bitter!  Please just let this be over with!!!

Finally heading back to our destination I contemplated walking the last 1/2 mile.  But then thought, 'Why?  I've made it this far and I'm so close I can taste it!'  So I stuck it out, and I'm glad I did!  Once we hit our 20 we celebrated with high fives and sighs of relief!

I stretched for a while and it felt so good!!  My knees and arches were aching, I knew I needed to keep moving before I sat down for an hour or more on my drive home.  I went back into the store to look at some running shoes, I had about 400miles on my current pair so figured it was time for a new pair!  My Nike's were minimalist with little support and I love the lightweight feel f them, but with the arch pain, figured I need a little more support.  So I tried on 1/2 dozen pairs, tried on some insoles, which I hated, and finally settled on some New Balances.

I also had a $15.00 gift card to the store so I stocked up on some Shot Bloks.  YUMMY!  Gotta really start practicing my fueling during these long runs. I took 2 GUs on the 20 miles, one before the run, and another half way through.  Couldn't really tell you if it helped or not, but they seem to in the past.  I really like the Shot Bloks so I am gonna start using them more.

After I got home I was tired, worked all night, ran 20 miles then a long drive home.  So a quick shower to clean off the dried salt that was dried to me and then I hit the sack for a 4 hour nap or so.  Bryan wanted to go out to dinner, and I wanted to celebrate my new mileage PR with a drink!

My favorite!  An Italian Margarita from the Olive Garden!

Cheers to my first of many 20 milers!!  I know as I do more, they will get easier.  I remember when running 3 was hard and now that's a piece of cake!  So it can only get better!

Another exciting news this week was Maverick's birthday!!  He turned 3 and we spoiled him with treats, toys, and an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen!  He was a happy boy and I am so happy and blessed to have him in my life!  Couldn't ask for a better dog and running partner!


How do you mentally get through a long, hard run?
I kept telling myself, 'Run the mile you're in' It helped a little.  They always say, "the mind is the first to give up" and that was totally proven, because as many times as I told myself to just stop, my body kept going, and I made it!

What do you use to fuel on long runs?


  1. Congratulations on finishing your first 20 miler! I was right there along with you for my first too... almost. Actually the group I was with started at the Sherwood Foot Traffic and did one big out-and-back on the Springwater corridor to the east. Do you feel anxious, excited and/or nervous about each long run? I was dreading this one because three weeks ago we did a 17 mile run and that one was painful (I wasn't the only one either. it was a lot warmer 3-weeks ago and our pace leader believes we might have actually started at too fast of a pace for the 17 miler). The pace was slower for this one, where it should be for the long distance runs - I actually had energy on the way back. I think the last mile was one of the longest miles I have ever ran though. Nice shoes! I stocked up on supplies after my run too. I like the shot bloks, they were recommended by a co-worker and they have worked well for my half marathons, long runs and even long bicycle rides. I usually eat one piece every 2 miles with water (during races, I take one right before an aid station) - I don't like the Margarita ones with extra salt. I also take a couple of Endurolytes during the run. We are either dedicated or crazy, maybe both? I only run with the group for the long runs because I live an hour away - starting a run at 7:00 meant I had to get out of bed before 5… in three weeks a 23 mile run is on the schedule which starts 30 minutes earlier.

    1. Hi Geoff! It's always good to know I'm not alone!! I am usually excited for my long runs. I look forward to seeing how far I can push myself, and it's nice to run with the group! Makes those long runs less dreadful. Even tho my 20 didn't go as well as I would have hoped, I am still very proud of how far I've come and I can't let a "bad run" over-shadow that! People at work always ask me "How far are you running this weekend?" And are always blown away when I tell them 12, 16 or 20 miles! What's even more funny is I'll sometimes tell them, 'Oh, I'm ONLY gonna run 6 miles today...' to 99.9% that's a LOT! So just seeing their reaction makes me realize how far I've come.
      I'm glad I will be running 20 a few more times before the marathon to help prepare. But that's the farthest distance we run. So I have to think about 6.2 miles after that!
      Glad you like the Shot Bloks too. I actually saw them at Fred Meyers for under $2.00! Just an FYI. I usually pay about $2.50 for them everywhere else!

      Thanks for checking in on me!! What are you running this weekend? I am scheduled for 16 and am gonna stay positive! Even tho the temps are gonna creep into the upper 90's!
      Happy Training!

    2. Hello Katie. You are never alone. I enjoy following your blog for encouragement and to know that I am not alone (I’m sure there are more of us too). Keep the posts and questions coming, I might be quiet most of the time but occasionally I’ll answer one. It’s amazing what we are capable of doing. One bad run can be painful or slow and make us question why we are doing this but then come back the next time and enjoy an even longer run. I went for a "slow" recovery run on Monday and felt good… pushed the pace a little and ended up finishing with a personal best pace. Having a regular group to run with is the best (even makes it worth a night owl to get up before the sun is) – there were seven people in the pace group I was in, and two others with me that have never ran these distances before. Yes, it is funny that the distance is all a matter of perspective. While I was in the Navy for 11 years, I dreaded the 1-1/2 mile run every six months. Now when I’m short on time I might only run for 30 minutes during lunch (about a 5k) to relax and get some time to think… think about all of the people that are in the process of doing the couch to 5k program. Last January I was thinking about signing up for the Portland Half Marathon, but didn’t because I thought it was way too far. A few months later I reconsidered and registered for the Oregon Wine Country Half (held Labor Day weekend). When I was telling my wife about the 17-mile training run, I joked that it was only a 4-mile warm-up followed by a Half Marathon.

      Thanks for the tip on the Shot Bloks! I was thinking about bringing some gummy bears on the next long group run since they will be available at the aid stations for the Portland Marathon.

      This weekend I will be in Washington with the family for a graduation/birthday party but I "only" have a six mile recovery run on the schedule – just a 10k, no problem :-)

    3. It's so good to hear about your accomplishments! Most people just tell me I'm crazy! Maybe I am... Or maybe I'm determined! I like determined!
      I heard about the gummy bears too, might be good to try them out and see if you like them.
      Have a good weekend and a nice 6 miler!
