Thursday, April 5, 2012

The rolling hills of Sandy

April snow showers bring May...wait, what?!?  Snow in April?!  Yup, that's what I came home to after work last night!  Big old fat flakes too, and that stuff is no fun to get in your eyes, so I decided I would hold off on a run until the afternoon.  My rhododendrons got the memo that it's spring time, so hopefully the weather will figure it out soon!
Once the afternoon became dry and the sun was peaking out, I thought it was prime time to get out!  I had been thinking about going a new route for a while now that involved some beautiful country scenery, but I was hesitant since the roads have no shoulder and cars travel fast.  But at the same time, there isn't a lot of traffic so as long as I kept my music down and was observant of cars, I figured I could give it a try!  I can't think of many things more beautiful than the country!  But one thing I had forgotten about, is how hilly the back roads of Sandy are!  It was like a roller coaster!
While running along taking in the sunset and country air Maverick saw something out of the corner of his eye
I wasn't sure how Maverick would react to a horse, or if the horse would even come over and say hello.  Mav has seen horses before, but never up close.  He was pretty interested in meeting him, so I thought we'd try. And what do you know?!  They were quick friends!  Mav greeted him with lots of kisses and the horse didn't seem to mind.  After a few minutes of meet and greet we said our goodbyes and promised to bring a carrot next time!  
It made my day to meet the horse too :))
We loved our new found route and am looking forward to running it again!  Maybe not as often as I'd like since it is more dangerous than I would be comfortable with doing regularly.  
And did I mention the hills???  Yea, they were brutal.  I have only ran with Coach Jim's group once, but he has already taught me something I find very valuable and useful for hills.  He said there are 3 things to do when running up hill, 1) look up, which I already do, 2) Shorten your steps, also something I do.  But the third was the one that has changed it all for me, 3) pump your arms like you're trying to elbow the person behind you.    Could this really help?  Is this the answer to powering up hills??  The answer is YES!  I have been doing it ever since he told us and was amazed how much easier it makes hills!  I almost look forward to hills just so I can try this new found method!  So next time you come to a hill, look up, shorten your steps, pump your arms like you're elbowing someone behind you and KEEP RUNNING!

Do you have any tips or tricks for powering up hills?  

Don't forget my carrot next time!

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