Thursday, April 12, 2012

Playing in the mud

Well the weather has been fairly nice this week and I have been able to make it out for some good runs in between rain showers.  Yesterday Maverick and I did a quick 3.75 mile run on one of our regular routes through town.  We had a great pace of 8:39 average per mile!  I'm always amazed when I see my pace get faster and faster.  I don't physically feel like I'm running any faster than the day I started running.   It's such an accomplish to see my improvements!
Today I just wanted to get out and not focus in pace, but explore a new trail my neighbor had told me about.  Mav and I headed out and it was about 2 miles until we came to the trail.  We followed the trail around and it wasn't very long and didn't seem to really go anywhere.  It ended up taking us to the high school track where there was track practice going on.  The coaches would fire off guns for the runners to start and Maverick wasn't a fan of that.  But it's good exposure for him.  He didn't freak out too much and I didn't pay any attention to his reaction, just kept running and he quickly got back into focus.  We tried to avoid all the school kids by running on a trail that was above the field and about half way in we came across a big mud pit with no way around, about 2 steps in, as I was sinking down I thought about my new, pretty shoes!  Mav was ready to charge through the mud, but I decided we better turn around.  So that meant we were gonna have to go through the swarm of high school students.  We made it through and got back on the road and headed home.  While stopped at a crosswalk I looked down and noticed my legs were splattered with mud and Maverick's belly and legs were pretty covered.  He looked up at my with his tongue hanging out of the side of his mouth and a big grin on his face and I just smiled back at him and gave him a "good boy!".  It was a pretty fun run after all!
One of my favorite things about running in Sandy is the view of the mountain I get on my way home.  I try to focus in it and take my mind off the fact that I'm running up hill.  Today is was especially beautiful.  The sun was hitting it just right that it made it look illuminated.  It was a crisp, bright white and I couldn't take my eyes off of it.  Wish I would have taken a picture for you all to see it!

What's your best pace so far?  And what's your goal average pace?

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