Sunday, March 18, 2012

I'm Back!

So I started this blog almost a year ago thinking it would help me "journal" and motivate me to run.  After about 2 posts, I just wasn't all that into it.  Who would want to read this and who am I to be boasting about??  But my BFF encouraged me to start back up again so I will give it another try!  I smiled when I saw the name of my blog "Keep Running"  I had forgotten I named it that and that's what I use to say to myself during a run when I was starting to feel sluggish or I just couldn't go anymore. "KEEP RUNNING"!
So I have been running for well over a year now and love it more today than ever!  I have completed 3 races to date and am doing my 4th (the Shamrock Run) today!  My first race I signed up for by myself and I went "big" and went for the 10K!  I was confident because the race was in Sandy and that's where I run, so I knew the route and hills very well.  It was the first race for this organization too, so I look forward to doing it every year and being able to say "I've done every race"!  The race was in October and my nerves were sky high!  There was only a small group of people who were doing it, I think about 20-30 did the 10K.  I was worried I'd finish  last!  It was pouring down rain, which just added to the stress.  But I gave it my all and ran my best and finished 4th! Ok, maybe just 4th out of the women, but still WAY better than I thought I would do!  But by far the most rewarding part of finishing the race was my husband waiting for me at the finish line and the shocking surprise of my BFF with a homemade sign for me!!  We were all soaked but i didn't even care anymore.  I had accomplished something that I would have NEVER imagined and had the best support team!
By now I had my BFF ready to take up running as well, so she told me she would start training if I would do the Give 'n Gobble run with her in November.  That was my second race and first with her.  It was out in Sherwood and we did the 5K.  There were a lot more people (thousands) compared to my first race and it was freezing!  But we finished together and knew from then on we found a mutual hobby!  So that takes us into our next race together, The Game Day Rival Run in February on Mt Tabor.  That run was a bear!  The hills were insane and I thought I was crazy for signing up for this!  But I finished strong and was glad when it was over!
Looking forward to my 4th race today!  I have been up since 3 am, and that's thanks to my graveyard schedule.  I can never sleep thru the night now.  But I'll still be good to go!  There is going to be over 30,000 people there and I think it will be a blast!
I will catch up more later on the last year!  Don't want to put too much out all at once!  So until next time, KEEP RUNNING!

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