Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Twilight Run followed by a 9 miles recovery run

Happy rainy Tuesday!!  Normal Oregon start to Summer, rain! Of course they say summer doesn't start until July 5th, that's convenient!  This past weekend was predicted to be rainy with chance of thunder storms, which was really gonna rain on my parade!!  I had plans with my dad to do our first run together, and it was also our Father's Day date.  My dad has always been athletic and a runner, I've said I got my runners legs from him!  I signed us up for the 5K Twilight Run, which was in Tigard at the Festival of Balloons in Cook Park.

My dad and I!

There was a carnival with rides and yummy food and in the evening they blew up the hot air balloons, so besides the run, there was a lot to see and do!  My dad and I got there a couple hours early to check in and walk around for a bit.  I also had a couple other friends participating in the run.  My neighbor, Jenni, and my friend Lisa who has started running with me on Mondays.  We all met up about a half hour before the race started.  This was Lisa's first race and Jenni's 4th, and 3rd with me!

Jenni and I, our 3rd race together! 
         Lisa and I, her first race!!

We all started together and as we were waiting for the run to start I asked my dad what his plan was for finishing the race, I wasn't sure of his pace or anything, but figured we'd be pretty close, then he said "well I'd like to be around 8 minute miles..."  My eyes popped out of my head and I said "OH! I'll try to keep up!"  I know I have finished a 5K around that time, but it's still intimidating!  He has been running, but hasn't ran a race in about 10 years, so he admitted he wasn't really sure what he would be able to do, but that's what he use to run back in the day. 

Once we were off I stuck with my dad for about the first mile, I knew we weren't running 8 minute miles, and I soon saw Lisa passing us.  I stuck with him until we got separated by other runners so I sped up and caught up with Lisa asking her "Where the hell did this speed come from?!"  She laughed and ran with me for about 1/4mile.  Then I continued on as she slowed down a bit.  I always hate to leave people behind, but it's hard to look behind me to see where they are once we get separated, so it's just easier to keep going and maybe they'll catch up.  But no one did.  I saw my dad at one point and we gave each other a high five as we passed.

My pace felt good and a bit hard, I wasn't trying to PR, but wanted to push myself a little harder than I do on my short runs at home.  The low point of the run was when a guy pushing a stroller passed me, really?!  But overall I felt great!  My official chip time was 26:34 with average 8:33 minute miles.  My dad wasn't far behind me finishing at 28:01 with 9:01 average miles, and the shocker of the day was Lisa coming in at 28:15 with a 9:05 pace!!  She was just as shocked!  Once she caught her breath she gasped, "that's the fastest I've ever ran!!!"  I was super happy and excited for her!!!  For being fairly new to running that is an awesome time!  Poor Jenni was sick and knew going into the race she was gonna be slow, she finished in 42:30.  Not her best time, but I know she can do better!  Being sick will really weigh and slow you down, but she finished, and I am always proud of her for sticking with it and trying :))

The Twilight Group!

I loved the course, it was flat and through a beautiful park, and I had a blast!  I hope to do it with my dad every year we can!  Can't wait to do another run with him!

So since I did this run, I sacrificed my long run with the group in the morning.  So I thought I would get a long run in on Sunday with Maverick.  We did a 9 mile loop around town.  I was scheduled to do 16 with the group, but I felt pretty good about getting 9 in on my own, and really wouldn't want to take Mav much further than that.  

I will also be missing my long run this weekend because I am going to visit my Grandma in Seattle.  I'm not sure if I will be able to make up a long run or not, but I'll get some runs in either way.  Then it's back to business and back to marathon training!!  

What's your PR for a 5K?

Do you remember your time for your first race?
Mine was a 10K and I was average about 10:30/mile.  Amazing to see how far I've come!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The commitment of a marathon

Busy busy busy!  Things are starting to get busy as the summer approaches and weekends become full with activities!  Of course this is also the time my miles for my marathon training are really starting to pick up.  It makes hard to plan anything else on the weekends knowing how important it is to keep up on my training, going from 13.1miles to 16, 18 and 20 miles every weekend is pretty time consuming!  Last weekend was the Helvetia Half marathon and this weekend I thought we were running 14.5 miles for our long run Saturday but it ended up being 15.5 when we got done...what's an extra mile anyways??  Well it took about 3 hours to run the whole amount. We train at a slower pace to get our bodies use to the miles and prevent injury.  It's nice to pace myself and although I couldn't wait to get the run over with, it was nice to still feel good after the run, besides just being tired from working all night as usual!  I also had a small mishap, I forgot my sports bra at home!!  This was probably one of the only times I was happy to be smaller busted!

Now that summer is almost here I have something going on almost every weekend and some of those things will keep me from the group runs on Saturdays, so I'll have to try and squeeze in the long runs on my own.  It really hit me how much commitment it takes to train for a marathon.  It's not something you can decide to do and then do it the next weekend.  It's good to start with a good base, I had been running for about a year before I started running with the group and training for a half and full marathon.  Having a year base behind me has really helped get me through the longer runs.  On top of that, it takes about 16 weeks or more to train properly.  So I stated training in March for the half, and June for the full, and the marathon is in October, so about 7 months total.  I feel really good about that, but just know how busy I will be!  It's almost discouraging and I have already been telling myself this will be my 1 and only marathon because I don't want to have to continue to sacrifice so much time to get in the training!  Who knew you had to run 1,000 miles before you could run 26.2??  Maybe I'll stick with the smaller races that don't require as much training, like 5K's, 10K's and some halfs.  I like the smaller races because they are quick and fun and don't require much training, and they still commit you to running regularly.

This weekend I was thinking to myself about why I started running and why I enjoy it, and almost felt all this crazy training was taking some of the fun out of it. I like that it keeps me running and keeps me committed, but now that I HAVE to run versus getting to run.

Training takes sacrificing time with friends and family, sleep, tv, a lot of free time and requires a whole lifestyle change.  It's important to have a good support system behind you that will understand and support your training and sacrifices.  Of course I know it will all be worth it when I'm crossing that finish line!!  Even if it's the only marathon I ever do, I will always know I have what it takes to do it!  And that in itself is an awesome feeling!  

How to you get through the discourages of training for a long run?

What sacrifices have you had to make for training?  How have they effected your life and the lives around you?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Helvetia Half Marathon!

WOW!  What a weekend!!  I have officially ran my FIRST half marathon!  And it was an awesome experience.  I had some nerves the night before and had to work all night, but was glad I did because I don't think I would have slept anyways and it helped keep my mind distracted.
Dani and I getting ready to leave for the run bright and early!

I finished with a decent time: 2:05:05, with an average of 9:33/mile.  Overall it was a comfortable pace until about mile 11, then I really had to become mind over matter!  I'm not gonna sugar coat it, it was tough!  The first few miles were easy and flat, at about mile 4 there were some challenging hills until about mile 7, and then it was flat again.
At mile 5 I started getting hunger pangs and was worried I didn't eat enough before the run.  For my lunch/dinner, whatever you wanna call it at 2am, I had some grilled chicken and lots of steamed veggies, broccoli, zucchini, carrots and cabbage, some good complex carbs.  I don't eat much in the bread and pasta department so I didn't want to carb-load on anything my body doesn't normally get.  Then on my way to Dani's I had some low sugar oatmeal since that seems to fuel me well for my runs.  So I felt really good about what I had eaten and felt it was enough to keep me going.  I knew at mile 6 they would be handing out gels and I couldn't wait to get one!  I worked on that for about a mile and it seemed to help.  Then I just kept my eye on the prize, the Helvetia hamburger, finishing the race!!
So like I mentioned, mile 11 is when things felt tough.  I contemplation walking for a bit, but quickly talked myself out of it.  My legs and body were tired, but I was too close to stop now!
Once I finished I waited at the finish line for Dani with a couple other runner friends.
Patty, in the pink, is part of my group I run with on Saturdays.  We run in the same pace group and usually pair up and chat.  Suzanne, in the middle, is a friend of Patty's and was a great supporter/cheerleader!  
Dani crossed the finish at 2:29:49.  I was super excited to great her and hug her!  We both have come so far and it's an amazing accomplishment and so glad I get to do it with her!
After a few pics we were off to get our burgers and recap how the race went! 
I look extremely tired, and I was.  But I was more happy to eat!!  

Overall I think we both had a really good experience.  It was tough, but that's part of why I do it, to continue to push and challenge myself.  I'm amazed at how far I've come and look forward to whats next!!  
My first 13.1 was awesome, but, it seems short-lived and now it's onto the next, starting with 14 miles this weekend!!  Full speed ahead for marathon training!  I'm still not over the high of the half!  
13.1 in the bag!!

Today I did an easy 4 miles with a friend who asked to start running with me.  We are gonna try to get together every Monday.  She has been running a little on the treadmill, but running outside is a lot different, and takes some getting use to adjusting to a different stride and the different elements.  She did good tho, only had to walk 1 time for about 1/4 mile.  Next time we are planning on taking the dogs, interested to see how that goes!!  

How did your first half marathon go?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

National Running Day Run!

Yesterday was National Running Day and it felt like a holiday to me! I had runners high all day, even before I ran and it lasted well into my shift at work! I couldn't wait to get out for a run and the weather couldn't have been more perfect, low 60's, sunny and a light breeze! PERFECTION! I wanted to get a longer run in and a short run in before my half on Saturday so yesterday was perfect for a long run. I have been trying eating different things before a run to find what fueled me best and so far I have found oatmeal works best! I get low sugar apple and cinnamon and might have some fruit or toast with peanut butter with it also. But the oatmeal by itself seems to do the trick just fine. It doesn't hurt my stomach or weigh heavy on me during my run and seems to fuel me enough to keep me strong throughout my whole run.
So after eating my oatmeal and giving it time to digest, Mav and I set out and headed for Tickle Creek Trail to start. I wasn't sure how far I was going to run, maybe 6 or 7 miles, whatever felt good. I wasn't worried about speed this week because I want to just take it easy before the half. I was really impressed that I maintained a 9:20-9:28 pace the whole time. Usually I'll vary more than that.
Once we made it to our favorite view point we were about 5 miles in. We stopped for a water break and to take in the unbelievable view!
The picture really doesn't do it justice. The way the sun was hitting the mountain it was illuminated. I can never capture it in a picture! There were some others around also taking in the view so I asked one if he would get a pic of Mav and I :))
So at this point we could either head home or keep going. I decided I felt so good that we would keep going for another 4 miles. So all together we ran 9 miles with a consistent pace between 9:20-9:28 per mile. I only hope I feel as good Saturday as I did yesterday, but the weather isn't gonna be so nice, so we'll see! I think the atmosphere will get me pretty pumped up tho!
Today was just a 3.1 mile shake down run in the rain. I was glad it was a short run and got it over with quickly. Tomorrow is a rest day before the big day! Gotta make sure to get plenty of sleep and get some good nutrition in!
My earbuds have been broken since Run Girlfriend Run and I thought not having music would make my runs drag on. But so far I don't miss it and am not planning on wearing any for the half. Sometimes listening to quietness of being outside and my thoughts is nice. I especially like hearing the creek and birds chirping and even like the rhythm of tennis shoes hitting the pavement. I still like to listen to music during my runs and will get a new pair of earbuds soon, but I think I will listen half as much as I used to depending on where I run, I like to have them when I run in areas with heavy traffic to tune out that noise.

Do you prefer to listen to music or not on your runs?

Monday, June 4, 2012

Getting ready for 13.1!

Hello!!  It's been a busy week for me!  Last weekend was the Rum Run and it was such a fun run!!   Dani  and I did the 5K and I set a new PR, finishing the race in 24:29!  But the after party was the best part!  We got probably the best mojitos i have ever had!!  They were delish and a great way to finish a race!  
I didn't go into the race planning to get a PR, but felt pretty good that day and was motivated to run!  There was one hill, and I've started telling myself 'hill's are my strong point'!  Although, when I'm in the moment, I usually feel defeated, but I push through them and I actually found myself passing people and continued to run strong to finish the race!
Next weekend is my FIRST half marathon, the Helvetia Half Marathon.  Dani is also doing this race and it will also be her first half!!  I am not going into this race with any expectations but to finish!  I know no matter what time I get, it will be a PR for me because it will be the first time I had run this distance!  I am excited for it and feel with all my training and commitment I will do just fine!  
The weather hasn't been so nice lately.  We had a week of nice, hot weather and I felt spoiled.  Now it's back to rain and cold!  Yesterday I wanted to get out of the house so Bryan, Mav and I went for a hike along the Salmon River.
It was colder, but the rain held off so it was a comfortable hike.  Maverick took every opportunity to play in the river!  He didn't care that is was only 54 degrees outside!
We look forward to going back when the weather is warmer and taking a lunch and spending the afternoon hiking and playing in the water!
Today I couldn't get motivated to get out for a run, but I wanted to get back on schedule with my run days and rest days.  They have been off since May with all the races I was doing on the weekends.  I like to run 4 days a week and take 3 days off.  When I have a normal week I run, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and my long run Saturday, and rest Sunday, Tuesday and Friday.  I will run anywhere from 3-8 miles per run during the week and will run whatever is required in my group for the Saturday runs.  I also like to do my Leg Pyramid workout along with some other at home exercises a couple times a week.  So since I couldn't force myself to get outside today I decided to do my Shredmill work out, if you aren't sure what I'm talking about, you can read about it here.  I am not a big fan of the treadmill, mainly because the scenery sucks, for some reason it feels harder to keep a faster pace, and it's a lot hotter!  But I like to say, 'sweat is fat crying'!  And today I made my fat BALL!  
It feels good to get a good sweat out sometimes!  I usually don't get that from running outside because it's a little cooler and I get a breeze that helps keep me cool.  But when the weather starts to warm up, I'm sure I'll have some more sweaty runs, sexy I know!  I prefer to run in cooler temperatures rather than hot.  60 degrees is about the warmest I like, but will have to suck it up as the summer approaches!  
Hope you all are getting some good runs and workouts in!!  Wish me luck for my first half marathon this weekend!  AHHHHHH!