Friday, May 25, 2012

Run Girlfriend Run recap

Happy Friday all!  It is Memorial weekend which means a long weekend for most!  I hope that includes you!  I am taking advantage of a longer weekend and looking forward to it!
Last weekend was the Run Girlfriend Run race that I did with Dani and my neighbor Jenni.  Dani and I did the 10K and Jenni did the 5K.  The weather was fairly cool and there was a little sprinkle in the air.  I wasn't too worried about it because I know once I get running I would warm up, and a little sprinkle can feel good sometimes!
Jenni and I before the race!  
So excited to do the run with my BFF!  It's another thing that makes me love running, having another reason to get together with Dani!  So glad she got into running with me!
The 5Kers went first so we cheered them on as they took off, then it was our turn to line up and get ready!  I had planned on getting a new PR for myself of the race and finish in 56 minutes and about a 9 minute mile average.  Once they sent us on our way my adrenaline surged through my body.  My legs felt like Jell-O and I was thinking I wasn't gonna be able to keep up a decent pace feeling like this and I needed to shake it off! Everyone was still jumbled together and I was ready to get up to speed, so I started to pass a few people off to the side and the group started to thin out.  I had no idea where I was as far as place in the race.  It seemed like there were a ton of people still ahead of me, but I didn't worry about catching them.  
I felt like I was going pretty strong and about the pace I wanted to be at.  It felt "comfortably hard" which I hear is where you want to be at during your race pace.  I could speak in short sentences and cheered others on as I caught up to them or even as I got passed.  Of course there was that little voice in my head saying "This is too hard, your legs can't go much further!"  I tried to ignore it and thought I run this area and this distance often, there is no reason I should feel like I won't make it.  So I kept pushing.
Once we got to about mile 4, my headphones quit working (only 1 ear bud was working at the start of the race) The music was cutting in and out and it was an annoying distraction so I took them out and tucked them in my shirt.  When we had about a mile left it took us through some trails and you could hear the announce calling out names as people crossed the finish line.  I thought, "YES!  I'm close!" and I kicked it into high gear and sprinted past a couple more people.  Still hearing the announcer, I kept thinking, it must just be around the next turn, then the next, then I saw a sign that said 1/4 mile left!  UGH!  So close but felt so far away!  
I finally emerged from the wooded trails and saw all the people cheering on the finishers and I saw the time clock...Does it really say 51 minutes?  Is that right?  I was shocked to say the least.  My final time was 51:54 with an average 8:22 pace!  It was a new PR all around!  I hadn't even ran a 5K at that pace and I just completed a 10k!  WOO HOO!  It felt great.  I finished 16th out of 107 total!
After I finished I grabbed some water and some TCBY frozen yogurt and waited to cheer Dani on at the finish line.  Her husband Jesse and daughters Sarah & Katherine also were there to cheer her on.  It was her first 10K race and she had no plans on racing it, but she did awesome for her first!  So proud of her for pushing herself because I know how hard it can be and how much you just wanna give up sometimes and wonder why you put yourself through the pain.  
Overall it was a great run and I can't wait to do it next year!  Hopefully Dani feels the same!  This weekend we have the Rum Run 5k on Sunday!  Really looking forward to that one too.
Ok, you know what to do!  Keep running!

What are your plans for the long weekend?

Have you ever set a PR and then beat your own expectations?  

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The best things in life aren't always free!

One of the reasons I started running was because I didn't want to pay for a gym membership and those costly monthly dues.  I figured walking and running was esentially free besides a few maintence costs, maybe a new pair of shoes once a year and some gear to run in.  But I've now discovered, just like any other hobby, running can get expensive!!  Shoes aren't cheap and the more miles you put on them, the more pairs you go through!  So far I think I'm about 2 pairs a year, at an average of $100 a pop!  Then there are all the clothes I need for different weather and styles.  I gotta have my warm weather gear, cold weather gear, and just some cute gear I can't pass up!  I would rather spend my $$ on running accsories than regular clothes now.  Another thing to think about is having the right foods in your house to help fuel you for runs and recover after runs.  Lot's of fruits and veggies, protiens and gu, and everyone knows, eating healthy comes with a cost.  And then there's the races!  Now that I've got the race bug, I want to do everyone I see!  And those can be anywhere from $30-$150!  This month I'm doing a total of 3 races.  So my pocket book is a little tight!  But there are lots of great parts to participating in a race!  Usually a race is held to raise money for a school, or cause, so knowing your money is going to a good thing helps take the sting out.  Another great part is the SWAG!  Usually you get a shirt, race bib and timing chip, if the race is timed and sometimes some samples of products.  For the Run Girlfriend Run race I'm doing tomorrow we got a bag full of goodies!
I have been loving neon colors this season for running gear, so I love the lime green shirt we get for this run!  Super cute!

Lot's of goodies to try!

Although I've realized, running isn't free, it is a lot of fun and the health benefits make it worth the extra cost! If getting a new pair of shoes or running shorts gets me out for a run, I think the splurge is justified!  I love doing races, especially with my bestie Dani and love the SWAG that comes with races!  Signing up for a race is just more motivation to keep up on my running and perusing a healthy life style!
Can't wait for tomorrows race!  Get to run it with my best girlfriend!  I'll let you all know how it goes!!
No matter the cost, whatever keeps you going,  keep running!

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Hello!  So I've been a little MIA the last month or so...still not sure how I feel about this whole blog thing.  But I figured I should touch base so you all know I'm still alive and still running!!  I've been getting a few more views since my profile was published on Oregon Live.  If you haven't read it you can check it out here!  It's kinda cheesy, and I'm not a big fan of being "profiled" but it was fun and my dad was really proud and that made it all worth it!
My dad has always been athletic in some way.  He's always been an active bike rider and runner (I tell people I must have got the bug from him)  But as he's gotten older he has gone more towards bike riding and using his elliptical, a little easier on the joints, due to some aches and pains.  But after reading my profile he has started running 3-4 miles a few times a week and we are planning a run together next month!  Really excited about it, and although he is partly why I started running, I'm glad I could get him back into it as well.
Other than that excitement, I've been busy running, picking up my miles and have another race under my belt!  I did the Doggy Dash with Maverick and Dani.  It wasn't a timed run, and was only 2.5 miles.  But we ran a bit before the run and after to get in a little over 6 miles for the day.  We both missed our group run that day so we could participate in the Doggy Dash.  It was a lot of fun and really glad I got to do it.  Although I learned a couple things; even though I was cold to start, wearing a jacket was WAY to much and too hot as the morning went on.  And instead of going early, I think staying after the race to collect goodies and see all the vendors would be better.  But still a great time!  Mav did really well, we only had a couple mishaps, the first was my bad when I let him off leash to run through the fountain.  No one was around and I thought a quick dip couldn't hurt!  As I was putting him back on his leash, out of nowhere 2 bike police came stolling up to us!  I thought I was gonna get in trouble for letting him in the fountain, but then he said "Your dog needs to be on leash at all times!"  AHHHH!  Leash laws!  I forget about those!  HAHA!  Although Sandy has leash laws inside city limits, the times I've taken him off leash I have never had an incident and I see dogs all over town off leash, so I told the officer 'I got it' hoping he would let us go on our way but insisted on going on and on and on....then took down my name and address before letting us go.  I will NEVER make that mistake again!  LOL
Just a quick dip to cool off!  Sorry officer!

Our next mishap was on our run.  I had been trying ALL morning to get Maverick to go poop.  Before we left for the race and for the hour and a half we were walking around.  Of course no success, until we were running.  About the last mile left, he decided that's when he was ready to go.  Of course not on the grass or even an area we could pull off to the side, but right in the middle of the bridge!  UGH!  Runners and dogs were dodging us left and right, so embarrassing, but he was not the only dog that decided to poo on the run, so we weren't alone!  You know how running gets things moving!  HAHA!
It was a fun run and looking forward to it next year!
My two favorites!

Anyone who knows us know we are HUGH Oregon State Fans, so I was stoked when I found out that OSU was a sponsor of the run and knew I had to do whatever I could to get our picture taken with Benny the Beaver!  And I think I blacked out when I was pulled from the crowed of runners lined up getting ready to run to get our picture taken!  I will cherish this forever!  
Well I could go on and on because there is a lot on my mind with running lately, but I'll save some stuff for later!  I have Run Girlfriend Run this weekend in my home town and am really looking forward to it!  Doing the 10K with Dani and my neighbor Jenni is doing the 5k.  I've secretly set a goal for myself, but have been hesitant to share it in case I don't hit it, but i shouldn't hold back so here it is......I'd like to finish in about 56 minutes, which is about a 9 minute mile average.  If I don't make it, that's ok, but I'm gonna try my hardest! 
Alright, until next time, keep running!

Have you done any dog friendly races?  How did they go?

Have you ever set a goal for yourself on a race that you either made or didn't make?  How did you feel?